
Cre8tive Logic Content Creation

Content Creation

Social Media Management

Cre8tive Logic can help streamline the process of creating, publishing, and analyzing content on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Additionally, we can assist in engaging with users on those platforms.

Digital Advertising

Cre8tive Logic takes a unique approach to digital advertising. Our philosophy is not centered around gaining mass impressions with large budgets, but rather gaining applicable impressions with a budget that achieves that goal.

Video Production

People prefer to watch and Cre8tive Logic can create and produce videos to achieve a variety of goals. Whether it’s a product demo, event, company profile, or traditional commercial, we produce a storyline that creates results.

Case Studies

There is only one thing that can be more valuable than a customer testimonial, and that’s a case study. Cre8tive Logic helps to identify, interview, and produce case studies for clients that can be used across various platforms.


Cre8tive Logic helps create content-rich newsletters. Whether it’s in digital or traditional form, newsletters allow companies to stay relevant within their market.

Market Research

Environmental Scans

Cre8tive Logic helps companies develop the “big picture” through the identification and monitoring of factors from both inside and outside the company that may impact the long-term viability of the organization.

Customer / Market Research

Through a variety of tactics, Cre8tive Logic helps clients get a better understanding of not only where our clients are positioned in the marketplace, but how potential customers view them.

Campaign Evaluation

Cre8tive Logic works with our clients prior to launching any campaigns to set short and long-term campaign goals. As the marketing campaign unfolds Cre8tive Logic produces monthly reports that detail progress and response rates (when applicable). These monthly reports act as a road map and are instrumental in deciding whether the campaign is on track or elements need tweaking.

Market Strategy

Product Development

From ideation to line extensions based upon market trends, retailer expectations, and manufacturing capabilities, Cre8tive Logic can help clients grow their product offerings.

Go-To-Market Strategies

Cre8tive Logic builds successful product launches that not only plan for immediate success but build a framework for long-term product growth.

Tradeshow Promotion

Exhibiting at a tradeshow can be a large financial commitment. It’s important to design promotional campaigns that help maximize the return on investment.

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237 E Market Street
York, PA 1740



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